Journal Recommendation

Choose the best journal for your research based on expert recommendations.

Choosing a reputable journal to present your work in is essential in developing a successful publishing strategy. There are thousands of journals in some research fields, and most authors find the selection process difficult. Selecting the incorrect journal can result in rejection or a lengthy review, delaying publication. Papers are matched to editors with relevant subject matter experts using the TransEditing Journal Recommendation service. Our editors are frequently invited to serve as reviewers for scientific journals. They have extensive experience publishing and reviewing articles of various types (e.g., original research, reviews, case reports, surveys, and short communications). They have professional degrees (Ph.D. and MD) or cultural and academic backgrounds, and each discipline has an editor, such as medical field, science, physics, engineering, life sciences, and social sciences. They will evaluate the critical scientific factors in your manuscript and recommend appropriate journals to ensure a smooth publication process. TransEditing’s Journal Recommendation service will assist you in locating the best journals for your manuscript. The service includes a detailed report on three journals compiled by field experts and then reviewed by our in-house journal experts. We will ensure that all journals selected are appropriate for the findings of your article and your publication goals.

TransEditing Journal Recommendation service will:

  • Examine your manuscript for originality, impact, and scientific rigor.
  • Include a brief analysis of your manuscript’s innovation, impact, and scientific rigor to aid in selecting a target journal.
  • Suggest additional target journals based on the parameters you set, associated with an assessment of the scope and quality of the manuscript.
  • Include an extended journal profile covering a wide range of journal qualities and needed submission links.

Finally, you will receive a concise analysis of the manuscript regarding target journal selection, a journal suggestion form that includes three recommended target journals, and an extensive profile of the 3 suggested journals to assist in your choice.

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